Rohini Pande (Yale University)
Institute of Economic Growth,
Centre for Development Economics
Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics
On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women’s Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms
Rohini Pande (Yale University)
(joint with Erica Field, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, and Charity Troyer Moore)
Monday, 19 October 2020 at 6:30 P.M. IST
Can control over earned income incentivize women to work and influence gender norms? We report on a field experiment that randomly varied whether rural Indian women received individual bank accounts and whether their wages from a workfare program were deposited into these accounts versus the household head’s account. A cross-cutting treatment varied training on account use. Relative to those offered accounts, women who also received direct deposit and training increased labor supply. In the long run, gender norms liberalized: direct deposit and training increased women’s acceptance of female work, and both genders perceived fewer social costs to female work.
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