Prof. Stefan Voigt (University of Hamburg)
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Centre for Development Economics
Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics
The economics of emergency constitutions – with a special focus on India
Prof. Stefan Voigt (University of Hamburg)
This is a joint work with Abhishek Choutagunta (University of Hamburg)
Thursday, 1 April 2021 at 3:00 PM IST
Many countries have constitutionalized their emergency rules. In this
presentation, we look into the determinants of institutionalizing
emergency provisions, the reasons for declaring states of emergencies
and into their effects. Focusing on India, we identify the determinants
that help explain the use of the so-called President’s Rule.
All are cordially invited.
Please find the link to the meeting below:
Meeting ID: 968 4502 6726
Passcode: 446704