Centre for Development Economics
Department of Economics

Delhi School of Economics


Automation and Local Labour Markets: Impact of Immigrant Mobility


Ronit Mukherji
(Ashoka University)

(Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 3:30 PM IST )

Venue: Amex Room 


This paper illustrates the role of low-skilled immigrants’ location choice as a channel through which local labour markets adjust to automation. We employ a shiftshare instrumental variable approach to demonstrate that low-skilled immigrants are more mobile than low-skilled native born in response to robot exposure. Low-skilled immigrants are less likely to enter and more likely to exit from highly robot-exposed regions. Immigrants’ location decisions attenuate wage losses due to robot exposure for low-skilled natives. Low-skilled native workers experience a 0.07 percentage point smaller decline in wages comparing commuting zones at the 50th and 25th percentiles of low-skilled immigrant shares.

All are cordially invited.

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