Aditya Bhattacharjea : Research Publications

(Some of these are available at

NB: This list merges my working papers, book chapters, and articles in refereed and non-refereed journals. They are categorized separately in my CV, which is accessible at

  1. Keynes and the Long‑period Theory of Employment: A Note”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 11, 1987. Reprinted in M. Blaug (ed.), John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) vol. 2, Elgar Reference Collection vol. 46. Edward Elgar Publishers, Aldershot, UK, 1991.
  2. Kalecki, Keynes, and the Question of Priority” (with N. Raghunathan), Economic and Political Weekly, 2 July 1988.
  3. “Tariffs and Foreign Prices”, Economic and Political Weekly, 3 September 1988.
  4. Strategic Trade Policy and Developing Countries”, Economic and Political Weekly, 21 August 1993.
  5. “Strategic Tariffs and Endogenous Market Structures: Trade and Industrial Policies under Imperfect Competition”, Journal of Development Economics, 47, 1995.
  6. “Protection and Exports”, Economic and Political Weekly, 2 September 1995.
  7. “Investment, Exports and Growth: A Sceptical Note”, Economic and Political Weekly, 2 November 1996.
  8. “Trade Policy under Imperfect Competition: Free Trade, Autarky, or Optimal Tariffs?”, Indian Economic Journal, 45, 1998.
  9. “Optimal Trade Policy When a Foreign Monopolist Has Unknown Costs: An Incentive-Compatible Approach”, Indian Economic Review, 33, 1998.
  10. “Predation, Protection and the ‘Public Interest’”, Economic and Political Weekly, 2 December 2000.
  11. “Competition Policy: India and the WTO”, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 December 2001.
  12. “Foreign Entry and Domestic Welfare: Lessons for Developing Countries”, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 11, 2002.
  13. “Infant Industry Protection, Revisited: Entry-Deterrence and Entry Promotion when a Foreign Monopolist has Unknown Costs”, International Economic Journal, 16, 2002.
  14. “India’s Competition Policy: An Assessment”, Economic and Political Weekly, 23 August 2003.
  15. “Trade, Investment and Competition Policy: An Indian Perspective”, in Aaditya Mattoo and Robert Stern (eds), India and the WTO, The World Bank in association with Oxford University Press, New York, 2003.
  16. “Increasing Returns, Trade and Development” in A. Bhattacharjea and S. Marjit (eds), Globalization and the Developing Economies: Theory and Evidence, Manohar Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
  17. “Playing by the Rules? Developing Countries and the World Trade Regime”, in Simon Bromley et al (eds), Making the International: Economic Interdependence and Political Order, Pluto Press for the Open University (UK), 2004.
  18. “Export Cartels: A Developing Country Perspective”, Journal of World Trade (Kluwer Publishers), 38(2), April 2004.
  19. “Predatory Pricing and Anti-Dumping Revisited”, Economic and Political Weekly, 29 January 2005.
  20. “Import Quotas, Export Promotion, and Intra-Industry Trade”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 52(2), June 2005.
  21. “India’s Trade Relations with China and Russia in the Context of the WTO”, China Report (Sage), 41(4), Oct-Dec 2005.
  22. “Cross-border Competition Issues” (with Nitya Nanda), in Pradeep S. Mehta (ed.), Towards a Functional Competition Policy for India, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2006.
  23. “Mergers in India: A Response to Regulatory Shocks” (with Manish Agarwal), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 42(3), May-June 2006.
  24. “The Case for a Multilateral Agreement on Competition Policy: A Developing-Country Perspective”, Journal of International Economic Law (OUP), 9(2): 293-323, June 2006.
  25. International Economics (edited lessons for the MA Economics course, in six volumes), New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2006.
  26. “Labour Market Regulation and Industrial Performance in India: A Critical Review of the Empirical Evidence”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 39(2), April-June 2006.
  27. “Amending India’s Competition Act”, Economic and Political Weekly, 14 October 2006.
  28. “Antitrust Law”, in Kaushik Basu (ed), The Oxford Companion to Economics in India, New Delhi: OUP, 2007.
  29. “Potential Problems in the Implementation of the Competition Act”, in Jaivir Singh (ed), Understanding Regulation: Institutional and Legal Dimensions, New Delhi: Social Sciences Press, 2007.
  30. “Are Merger Regulations Diluting Parliamentary Intent?” (with Manish Agarwal), Economic and Political Weekly, 28 June 2008. Full text available at:
  31. “India’s New Competition Law: A Comparative Assessment”, Journal of Competition Law and Economics (OUP) 4(3), September 2008. Reprinted in Eleanor Fox and Abel Mateus (eds), Economic Development: The Critical Role of Competition Law and Politics, Edward Elgar, 2011. Full text available at: 
  32. “India’s New Competition Law”, Bloomberg Law Reports: Antitrust and Trade 1(7), October 2008.
  33. “Krugman’s Economics: An Introduction”, Economic and Political Weekly, 6 December 2008. Full text available at:
  34. “The Effects of Employment Protection Legislation on Indian Manufacturing”, Economic and Political Weekly, 30 May 2009: Adapted from CDDRL Working Paper No. 96, Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, January 2009.
  35. “Of Omissions and Commissions: India’s Competition Laws”, Economic and Political Weekly, 28 August 2010. Full text available at:
  36. “Did Kaldor Anticipate the New Economic Geography? Yes, but…”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 34: 1057-1074, November 2010; doi:10.1093/cje/bep069. Full text available at:
  37. “India’s New Competition Regime”, Competition Policy International Antitrust Chronicle, November 2010.
  38. “International Cartels and Spheres of Influence”, in K. G. Dastidar, H. Mukhopadhyay, and U.B. Sinha (eds), Dimensions of Economic Theory and Policy: Essays for Anjan Mukherji, OUP, New Delhi, 2011.
  39. “Antitrust Law”, in Kaushik Basu and Annemie Martens (eds), The New Oxford Companion to Economics in India, OUP, New Delhi, 2012. (Revised version of 28 above)
  40. “Multimarket Collusion with Territorial Allocation” (with Uday Bhanu Sinha), Centre for Development Economics Working Paper No.217, September 2012,
  41. “Cartels and the Competition Commission” (with Oindrila De), Economic and Political Weekly, 1 September 2012 (full text available at
  42. “India’s New Antitrust Regime: The First Two Years of Enforcement”, The Antitrust Bulletin, 57(3), Fall 2012.
  43. “Imperial Legacy: The Persistence of Colonial Trade Patterns” (with Rashmi Banga), in Sunanda Sen and Anjan Chakrabarty (eds), Development on Trial, New Delhi: Orient Black Swan, 2013.
  44. “Who Needs Antitrust? Or, Is Developing-Country Antitrust Different? A Historical-Comparative Analysis”, in D. Daniel Sokol, Thomas K. Cheng and Ioannis Lianos (eds), Competition Law and Development, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.
  45. “Trade, Development and Competition Law: India and Canada Compared”, Trade, Law and Development Review, June 2013 (invited contribution for a special issue)
  46. “Competition Issues in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” (with Fiyanshu Sindhwani), Project Report submitted to CUTS-CIRC, January 2014,
  47. “Comments” (on S. Dougherty, V. Frisancho, and K. Krishna, “State-level Labor Reform and Firm-level Productivity in India”), in S. Shah, B. Bosworth and A. Panagariya (eds.), India Policy Forum Volume 10, 2013-14. Sage, New Delhi.
  48. “Multi-Market Collusion with Territorial Allocation” (with Uday Bhanu Sinha), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 41:42-50, July 2015. (Substantially revised version of 40 above).
  49. “Recent Trends in Mega-mergers in India and Lessons for Competition Policy: Insights from Merger Cases under the Competition Act”, in C. Veeramani and R. Nagaraj (eds), International Trade and Industrial Development in India: Emerging Trends, Patterns and Issues. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2016 (updated with a postscript in the 2018 paperback edition).
  50. “The Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: Antitrust Issues and Cases” (with Fiyanshu Sindhwani), in Eleanor M. Fox, Harry First, Nicolas Charbit and Elisa Ramundo (eds), Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries: Featuring Africa, Brazil, China, India, Mexico… (2nd edn). New York: Institute for Competition Law, 2016, pp.47-58.
  51. “International Cartels with Territorial Allocation: A Model with Paradoxical Implications” (with U.B. Sinha), Indian Economic Review 51: 181-195, 2016.
  52. “Anti-cartel Enforcement in India” (with Oindrila De), Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 5: 166-196, 2017 (Special Issue on India).
  53. Sylvania‘s Indian Precursor and its Legacy”, Review of Industrial Organization 51(2): 173-191, 2017. (Special Issue on the 40th Anniversary of the Sylvania judgment.) [DOI 10.1007/s11151-017-9588-6].
  54. “Threshold Effects of Indian Labour Laws: A Critical Review of Some Recent Research”, in Uma Kapila (ed.), India’s Economy: Pre-Liberalisation to GST: Essays in Honour of Raj Kapila. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2017.
  55. “Predatory Pricing in Platform Competition”, in Ashish Bharadwaj, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Indranath Gupta (eds.), Multidimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition, Springer, 2018 [available via Open Access].
  56. “Competition Law and Competition Policy in India: How the Competition Commission has Dealt with Anticompetitive Restraints by Government Entities” (with Oindrila De and Geeta Gouri), Review of Industrial Organization, 54(2): 221-250, 2019 [DOI 10.1007/s11151-018-9641-0].
  57. “The Enforcement of Indian Competition Law: Administrative or Regulatory?”, in Devesh Kapur and Madhav Khosla (eds.), Regulation in India: Design, Capacity, Performance.  Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019.
  58. “Inverted Duty Structures and the Paradox of Negative Effective Protection in India, 2000-2014” (with Kanika Pathania), Foreign Trade Review, 55(2): 139-167, 2020.
  59. “Labour Market Flexibility in Indian Manufacturing: A Critical Survey of the Literature”, International Labour Review, 160(2): 197-217, 2021
  60. “Abuse of Dominance under the Competition Act: The Need for a Competitive Effects Test”, Indian Competition Law Review 7(2): 36-43, 2022.
  61. “Industrial Policy in India since Independence”, Indian Economic Review 57(2): 565-598, 2022
  62. “Neither Crime nor (Much) Punishment: India’s Cartel Penalty Practices” (with Oindrila De), in Kaushik Basu and Ajit Mishra (eds), Law and Economic Development: Behavioral and Moral Foundations of a Changing World, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
  63. “Alternative Forms of Buyer Power in a Vertical Duopoly: Implications for Profits, Welfare, and Cost Pass-through” (with Srishti Gupta), Journal of Economics (forthcoming, 2024).