Centre for Development Economics
Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics


Methodological Individualism, ‘Public Choice’ & Cross-national Environmental Action


Prakash Kashwan
University of Connecticut


12th April 2019 (Friday) at 9:10 PM

Venue: AMEX Room (Second Floor)
Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics

All are cordially invited

Methodological individualism holds an important position within the realm of empirical inquiry. Yet, the limits of methodological individualism remain inadequately analyzed. This research seminar engages with the question of the relationship between ‘structures’ and ‘individuals.’ How might the adherents of methodological individualism recognize the role that structures, e.g., caste, religion, economic structure, etc., play in influencing the actions of individualism? By utilizing a cross-national analysis of the variation in national level policy outcomes, this research seminar will provoke the audience to break free of the cannons of methodological individualism in some cases (without dismissing its importance in other cases).


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