Centre for Development Economics
Department of Economics

Delhi School of Economics


Gender-Specific Earnings Losses and Child Well-being: Evidence from Vulnerable Households in Bangladesh


Priya Mukherjee
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)

(Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 2:15 PM IST )

Venue: Amex Room

Despite a growing literature on child maltreatment in high income countries, we still know little about the causes and consequences of such harm in low-income contexts and in cultures where such disciplining behaviors are most prevalent. Using primary data and an instrumental variables approach, we study the specific case of parental earnings losses and their impact on the maltreatment of children in Bangladesh. We use variation in job layoffs across occupations in our population to instrument for loss of income and find that the gender of parental job losses matters for the treatment of children — specifically, the mother’s earnings losses lead to significant increases in physical and emotional abuse of children.  Our findings suggest that the worsening mental health of mothers is a key factor driving the effect on the maltreatment of children.

All are cordially invited.

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