M.Phil / Ph.D Economics : Admission 2016

M.Phil./ Ph.D. Admission List 2016

Roll Number wise results of 1st stage entrance test for Mphil/Phd admissions

List of Candidates Shortlisted for Second Stage Test and Interview

Important Notice Regarding Second Stage Entrance Test and Interview


Qualifying marks (out of 120) for the M.Phil/PhD first-stage entrance test which was held on 21st June 2016 are as follows:

General category: 30
OBC category: 27
SC/ST categories: 24

Note that these are the minimum marks required to be shortlisted for the second-stage test and interview. Securing the Qualifying Marks in the entrance test is not a guarantee for admission, but merely an entitlement to be considered for the second stage. Admission will depend upon performance in the second stage test and interview, the availability of seats, and other requirements as notified in the University’s Bulletin of Information.

The second-stage test will be held on Thursday, 21st July 2016 at 10 am in Room 107 of the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. Interviews will begin at 11.30 am the same day and continue the next day if required. The list of candidates shortlisted for the second-stage test and interview on the basis of the above qualifying marks will be notified separately.

Head of Department

Entrance Tests for M.A. and M.Phil/Ph.D. in Economics
Important Notice


Answer keys

The answer keys for the Entrance Tests for M.A. and M.Phil/Ph.D. in Economics were uploaded on the same day, viz 21st June 2016, and candidates were given until 23rd June to submit their complaints/doubts via email. All the complaints/doubts regarding the answer key were carefully vetted by the Admissions Committee and the following decisions were taken:

  1. M.A. admission test (ZA-5033): The key is correct and no changes/corrections are required.
  2. M.Phil./Ph.D. admission test (ZA-5121): There are two corrections:
  1. Question 4: Correct answer is (d).
  2. Question 14: There is a typing error in the question. This question will be considered as invalid and 3 marks should be awarded to all candidates.

Qualifying Marks for M.A. Entrance Test

As made clear in the Department’s Handbook of Information, the qualifying mark in the Entrance Examination for General Category candidates is 40%. The corresponding qualifying mark for OBC candidates is 36%. These are the minimum marks required to be eligible for admission to the Course. However, in all Courses wherein admissions are based on the rank/merit in the entrance examination, securing the Qualifying Marks in the Entrance Examinations is not a guarantee for admission, but merely an entitlement to be considered for admission. Admission to such Courses shall depend upon the availability of seats in the course, and other requirements as notified in the University’s Bulletin of Information.

Declaration of Results

The Department will be able to decide on admission lists for M.A. only after receiving the processed results of the entrance test (for entrance category) and B.A. Hons Economics (for Direct/Merit category) from the Examination Branch of the University of Delhi. Likewise, interview shortlists for M.Phil./Ph.D. will only be drawn up after receiving the results of the entrance test from the Examination Branch. The Department is unable to provide any information regarding possible dates of declaration of results.

Following is the answer key for the MPhil/PhD entrance test, held on June 21, 2016. Queries regarding any question may be emailed to admissions2016@econdse.org, latest by 5 PM, June 23, 2016. 

MPhil./Ph.D. Economics Entrance Exam 2016 –  Solution Key



Applications for Admissions for 2016-17 are now closed. The following information is for the benefit of candidates who applied before the last date.


1. There will be a common entrance test for admission to M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Economics. It will consist of two stages, followed by an interview.


2. The date and time of the first-stage test, which will be conducted in six cities, will be announced on the Delhi University portal http://admission.du.ac.in/phd16/index.php/site/login. Candidates who have applied for both M.Phil. and Ph.D. may be issued different roll numbers, in which case they should appear under the roll number allotted for M.Phil.


3. The first-stage test will be two hours long and consist of 40 multiple-choice questions, to be attempted on a bubble sheet. Each question will be followed by four possible answers, at least one of which is correct. If more than one choice is correct, choose only the `best one'. The `best answer' is the one that implies (or includes) the other correct answer(s). Indicate your chosen best answer on the bubble-sheet by shading the appropriate bubble.  For each question, you will get 3 marks if you choose only the best answer; 0 mark if you choose none of the answers. However, if you choose something other than the best answer or if you choose multiple answers, then you will get -1 mark for that question. Rough work is to be done on the blank pages of the answer booklet but will not be checked.
4. Results of the first stage will be used to shortlist candidates for the second stage test and interview, which will take place in Delhi on consecutive dates to be announced by the Department.


5.The second-stage test will be one hour long and consist of short answer questions, which will require working out the solutions to problems and analyzing the results on the answer sheet itself.


6. Candidates who have applied for admission to the Ph.D. programme, but belong to one of the categories who are exempted from the entrance test under Ordinance VI-B, have the option to appear for the second-stage test, or they should expect to answer questions at a comparable level in the interview. Candidates from the exempted categories who would like to appear for the second-stage test should inform the Department on admissions2016@econdse.org at least three days before the scheduled date, so that seating provisions can be made for them. Note that applicants for the M.Phil must appear for the first stage entrance test, and also for the second stage and the interview if they are shortlisted.


7. The interview will further test the candidates’ knowledge of economics, as well as their research interests. The second-stage written examination will carry a weight of 60% and the interview 40% in deciding the merit list for admission. Applicants belonging to the exempted categories who choose to appear directly for the interview, the interview will carry 100% weight.


8. A brief description of the coverage of the tests and indicative readings, as well as other information about the Department, are given in the Handbook of Information, http://econdse.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Handbook-of-Information-2016_Mphil-Phd.pdf. Applicants should also carefully go through the instructions given in the University's Information Bulletin,  http://admission.du.ac.in/upload_phd2016/site/Bulletin.pdf.



M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Economics


 Previous year's Question Paper

2014 2015



  1. Registration for admission to all M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes of the University of Delhi (including those offered by the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics) is carried out on-line by the University according to rules and procedures described in the University’s Bulletin of Information, which should be read carefully before filling the on-line application form. Details are available at http://admission.du.ac.in/phd16. Further information on Delhi University is available at du.ac.in. This Handbook provides additional information for candidates intending to apply for the M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in Economics.
  1. For information about the application process and date, time and venues of the Entrance Tests, please consult http://admission.du.ac.in/phd16. Questions about the online registration process can be sent to contact@uims.du.ac.in. Questions about the Economics Department may be addressed to admissions2016@econdse.org or du12@du.ac.in.


Department of Economics
Delhi School of Economics

Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Contact Numbers

Department of Economics:                   27666395, 27008130

Faculty Members (EPABX):                 27666533-35 Ext: 130

Fax :                                                                 27667159

E-mail:                                                            admissions2016@econdse.orgdu12@du.ac.in

Website:                                                         www.econdse.org





Our Past and Present

Reckoning from the appointment of V.K.R.V. Rao as Professor in 1942, the Department of Economics of the Delhi School of Economics is one of the oldest departments of the University of Delhi. The Delhi School of Economics was set up in 1949 as an institution for advanced studies and research in economics, on the initiative of the Founder-Director Professor Rao, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as its President. Since then, the Department has been at the forefront of post-graduate teaching and research in economics. At present, it is one of the three constituent departments of the Delhi School of Economics, the other two being Geography and Sociology.

The Department of Economics (henceforth, the Department) supports Masters, M.Phil. and Doctoral programmes in Economics, which draw a huge number of applicants from all over the country and many from abroad. These programmes have a strong theoretical and quantitative focus with an emphasis on empirical applications. Their hallmark is the dynamic curriculum offered, which is continuously reviewed and updated in line with the latest developments in the subject.

The Department is proud of its many past faculty members who have made significant contributions to the economics discipline. Foremost among these are the first three Heads of the Department, V.K.R.V. Rao, B.N. Ganguli and K.N. Raj, who went on to become Vice Chancellors of Delhi University. The foundations they laid down were built upon by their successors, K.A. Naqvi, Sukhamoy Chakravarty, A.L. Nagar, Mrinal Datta Chaudhuri, Dharma Kumar, K.L. Krishna, S.B. Gupta, Suresh D. Tendulkar, Om Prakash, Badal Mukhopadhyay, V. N. Pandit, K. Sundaram, Pulin B. Nayak, Partha Sen, Santosh C. Panda, B. L. Pandit and Pami Dua. Other distinguished scholars who have served on the faculty include Pranab Bardhan, Kaushik Basu, Jagdish Bhagwati, Bhaskar Dutta, Raj Krishna, Prasanta Pattanaik, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, and Nobel laureate Amartya Sen. Many of them were nominated as Fellows of the Econometric Society, a much coveted honour in the field of Economics, making them members of a very prestigious international body of scholars.

The Department is also proud of its numerous alumni who have gone on to distinguished academic careers, including many Fellows of the Econometric Society such as Dilip Abreu, Vijay Krishna, Tapan Mitra, Dilip Mookherjee and Arunava Sen. Department alumni can be found in most major Economics, Business and Public Policy departments worldwide, very often as members of the faculty, and even more commonly, as doctoral students.

Apart from purely academic distinctions, members of the Department have contributed to the task of institution-building in various capacities. The founder, Professor Rao, went on to become the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University, served as the Education minister in the central government, and also founded other important academic institutions. Another former member of the Department, Professor Manmohan Singh, served as Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Finance Minister and later Prime Minister of India. Numerous other members of the Department, including K.N. Raj, Raj Krishna, P.N. Dhar, Sukhamoy Chakravarty, Suresh Tendulkar and Kaushik Basu served the nation as high-level economic advisers to the government and international bodies, as members of the Planning Commission, and as regulators or members of important government Commissions and committees. Others have served as public intellectuals and as public-spirited activists.

While the Department's alumni have traditionally found jobs and attained considerable eminence in academia, the civil services, NGOs, international organizations and the media, the number of alumni in finance, consultancy and other areas of the private sector has grown manifold in the past two decades.

In 1965, the Department was the first economics department in the country to be recognized by the University Grants Commission as a Centre for Advanced Studies, a distinction that it continues to hold to the present day. The present Department is building on this evolving tradition and continues to perform the functions of academic research, teaching and public service. Current faculty have published their research in leading Indian and international professional journals, and have won prestigious international and Indian awards and fellowships. Their specializations span a wide range of areas in economics (see www.econdse.org/faculty/). The Department is currently ranked the highest amongst university economics departments in India by RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), a global electronic archive of working papers and publications in Economics and Finance (http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.india.html). Apart from pursuing their individual research programmes, several members of the faculty also serve on committees of various government departments and public sector organizations, and on the governing bodies or academic councils of important academic institutions.


Looking Outward

The Department maintains a lively interaction with the Indian and international economics profession. Over the years, it has hosted a long list of distinguished scholars as visitors and speakers, including Nobel laureates such as Jan Tinbergen, John Hicks, Kenneth Arrow, Milton Friedman, James Tobin, Lawrence Klein, Amartya Sen, John Nash, Eric Maskin, Thomas Sargent, and Angus Deaton. Other distinguished visitors and speakers have included Michael Kalecki, Maurice Dobb, Nicholas Kaldor, Joan Robinson, Jagdish Bhagwati, T.N. Srinivasan, Ian Little, Harry Johnson, Robert Baldwin, I.G. Patel, William Baumol, Nicholas Stern, Bela Balassa, Lance Taylor, Ronald Jones, Anne Krueger, Edmond Malinvaud, Jacques Dreze, Zvi Griliches, Hugo Sonnenschein, Oliver Hart, and in more recent years, Pranab Bardhan, Partha Dasgupta and Hal Varian. Key policy makers such as Montek Ahluwalia, Kaushik Basu, C. Rangarajan and Arvind Subramanian have also spoken at the DSE in recent years.

Conferences, workshops and seminars are important fora for the Department’s research engagement with the economics profession at large. Members of the Department actively engage in such interactions, and also organize events, including an active weekly seminar series that attracts speakers from around the world. Another regular event is the annual Winter School, which brings in distinguished scholars from India and abroad to interact with young research scholars in a workshop-style setting. The list of distinguished invited speakers for the Winter School in recent years includes (apart from some of those named above): Ken Binmore, John Moore, Herve Moulin, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Andrew Chesher, Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee, Maitreesh Ghatak, William Thomson, Charles Manski, John Roemer, Dilip Abreu, Janet Currie, Andrew Foster, Bina Agarwal, Scott Taylor, Mukesh Eswaran, Imran Rasul, Stephen Morris, and Ariel Rubinstein. Research students of the Department are actively involved in the Winter School, both in presenting their own work and in interacting with the distinguished speakers.

The Department organized the Asian Meetings of the (International) Econometric Society in 2012, and a conference on ‘Indian Economy: Issues and Perspectives’ in 2013, as part of the golden jubilee celebrations of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), the pre-eminent economics society in India.


Our Journal and Working Papers

The Department houses a highly-regarded biannual journal, the Indian Economic Review, which publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles in diverse areas of economics. It also runs a Working Paper series that publishes the research of its faculty-members and visitors.


Library and Computing Facilities

Teaching and research in the Department are supported by excellent computing facilities and a well-stocked library. The Ratan Tata Library houses one of the best collections in economics and related social disciplines. It has a collection of over 325,000 books and bound journals, and subscribes to more than 300 academic journals. (See Section 4 below for more information on the RTL.) Many journals are also available on-line from the Delhi University Library System (DULS).

The Department has separate computer labs for Master’s and research students. The labs have about 45 latest quad core i7 based desktops.  Here students  receive training in data analysis and economic modelling using specialized econometric packages such as STATA, E-views, Shazam, Microfit, Gauss, RATS (Real Analysis of Time Series), NLOGIT, Mathematica etc. Students have access to high speed internet through these desktops to aid their research. The computer lab also provides printing facilities to research students through a network printer. Computer labs provide access to various offline and online databases such as NSSO (National Sample Survey Organization), NFHS (national Family Health Survey), Census data, ASI (Annual Survey of Industries), NAS (National Accounts Statistics), CMIE Prowess database on companies, EPW Research Foundation Indian Time Series, indiastat.com etc. Online access to journal archives such as jstor.orgsciencedirect.com etc. is also available to students through Delhi University’s internet. Laptops are made available to students for presentations. The entire building is Wi-Fi enabled so that research students can use their own laptops to access the internet from the research students’ room.

The Department website (econdse.org) provides information about faculty specializations and research; admissions procedures; recommended readings for courses; notices for upcoming seminars, conferences and public lectures; and links to useful academic websites. The Department’s website is an important source of interaction between the Department and the students. The website is based on WordPress CMS (Content Management System) and is actively updated on a daily basis. Faculty can post and update the information on the website themselves. Here students have online access to the course material, lecture slides and weekly seminar announcements. Course-wise folders, containing course material, are also accessible from each desktop through a network drive hosted on a powerful in-house server.



There is a common Web Portal for the centralized registration of candidates seeking admission to the M.Phil./ Ph.D. Programmes in the University of Delhi. Online registration details are available on the following M.Phil./ Ph.D. Programme portal:


The above portal also provides essential information about eligibility conditions, applications procedure and schedule, registration fees and test centres for the written entrance test, Ordinances governing admission and conduct of the M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes, and facilities provided by the University. The following is the proposed schedule. Please monitor the above website for any changes.


Start date for online Registration                                  13th May 2016

Closing date for online Registration                             30th May 2016

Dates for the conduct of the Written Examinations*   19th – 23rd June 2016

Announcement of Results of Written Examinations**            On or before 15th July 2016


* For exact date of the Written Examination of individual Courses, please visit the

M.Phil./ Ph.D. admission portal.

** The information related to the second-stage written test and the interviews (see below) will be available on the M.Phil./ Ph.D. admissions portal and econdse.org.


Entrance Examinations

For the entrance exams for the M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes, applicants will be expected to be familiar with in microeconomics, macroeconomics and statistics/econometrics at the level of the first year of the Master’s Programme in Economics in the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. The following is a list of indicative textbooks; however, questions will not necessarily be based on these books alone.

(i) Advanced Microeconomic Theory - Geoffrey A. Jehle and Philip J. Reny

(ii) Advanced Macroeconomics - David Romer

(iii) Basic Econometrics - D. Gujarati

(iv) An Introduction to Game Theory – M. J. Osborne

The entrance process consists of two stages. The first stage will be an examination consisting of only multiple-choice questions. Registration for this part of the examination will be as explained in the University’s admissions portal http://admission.du.ac.in/phd16. The examination will be held in centres in various cities as described therein. This test will consist of multiple-choice questions only. The correct choices must be entered on the bubble sheet provided for the purpose, and not on the question paper. Note that there will be negative marking for wrong or multiple answers to a question. The multiple-choice questions are designed to test rigorously the ability to apply concepts and techniques, rather than have a mere ‘theoretical’ familiarity with them. Space will be provided in the question paper for the necessary rough work. Because the bubble sheet will be checked by a machine, it is very important that:


only one bubble be shaded against each question number

– the chosen bubble be completely shaded

– as ballpoint pen must be used for shading, you should be sure of your answer


On the basis of the results of this examination, a shortlist of candidates will be called for the second stage, consisting of a one-hour written examination covering the same areas of economics, followed by an interview. This stage will be conducted in Delhi only. The second-stage written examination will comprise short answer questions, including working out the solutions to problems and analyzing the results. The interview will further test the candidates’ knowledge of economics, as well as their research interests. The second-stage written examination will carry a weight of 60% and the interview 40% in deciding the merit list for admission.


A sample of the previous year’s question paper (which combined both stages) is available on the department website www.econdse.org under ‘Admissions’. However, the format and weightage of the different sections of the test will change this year. No queries on the test paper will be entertained. The medium of examination at both stages will be English.


A list of candidates selected for provisional admission will be uploaded on the department website as well as the University’s admission portal. Provisional admission is subject to confirmation by the Board of Research Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi.


1) Both M. Phil. and Ph.D. students would be required to take four courses during the first year and score at least 50% in each course. The set of courses to be taken will be determined by the Department Research Committee (DRC). Admitted students should be prepared to start attending classes with effect from 20th July 2016. All entering students of the 2016-2017 batch will be required to take two compulsory courses, one in Game Theory and the other in Econometric Methods. The remaining two courses can be chosen from the list of available courses, subject to the approval of the DRC. The DRC may allow the student to take courses outside the department if these are thought valuable for the proposed research. If a student is not able to pass a course with 50% marks, the student shall be given one opportunity to take a re-test within 12 months. For the Summer Semester this will typically be offered in the second week of the winter semester, and similarly for the Winter Semester. The medium of instruction and evaluation is English.

2) An M.Phil. student who has completed coursework with aggregate marks of at least 75% may enter the Ph.D. programme at the beginning of the following academic year. At this point no additional coursework is required and the student would be treated on par with other Ph.D. students who have completed a year in the programme. M.Phil. students are required to remain in residence for the first year of their programme. M.Phil students who do not transition to the Ph.D. programme must submit their dissertation within 18 months of their joining if they are full-time students, and within 24 months if they are part-time students.

3) M.Phil. students are expected to contact faculty members in the second semester of their coursework and get written consent from at least one faculty member to be their supervisor. They are expected to submit a 1000-word proposal by June 30, 2017.

4) Each student entering the Ph.D. programme is required to select a supervisor within one month of joining the programme. Upon receiving the written consent of the faculty members involved, the DRC will forward the information to the BRS. These are required before the process of provisional registration is complete. The student may change his/her supervisor in the second year, depending on the area in which he/she proposes to write the thesis.

5) For confirmation of Ph.D. registration, which generally occurs in the second year of the programme, the candidate needs to successfully complete all coursework, and successfully present and defend a Ph.D. dissertation proposal in a department seminar. The proposal must be approved by the supervisor and advisory committee of the student, the DRC, and the Board of Research Studies. Registration is confirmed only after this process is completed.

6) Ph.D. students are required to remain in residence for two years following provisional registration and are required to submit their thesis within five years of the date of provisional registration. Extensions are possible only as per university guidelines.

7) While all students have to have a supervisor from the department, they may have a joint-supervisor from any recognized institution, and can spend up to 12 months in the institution of the joint-supervisor.

8) M.Phil. and Ph.D. students are required to present their work regularly in the student research workshop which meets weekly during the academic year. They must also be in regular contact with their supervisors and submit a report on their progress to the department via their supervisors by the end of each academic year.

Duration and Span Period




  1. a) Duration

The duration of the M.Phil. is 18 months for full-time students and two years for part-time students. Full-time teachers of the University of Delhi and its constituent colleges holding a substantive post alone are eligible for admission on a part-time basis.


  1. b) Span Period

A student must complete the M.Phil. programme, i.e. clear both Part I (Course Work) and Part II (Dissertation) of the course, within three years of initial registration for the M.Phil. full-time programme, and within four years of initial registration for the M.Phil. part-time programme.



Ph.D. students are required to submit their thesis within five years of provisional registration. Extensions are possible only as per university guidelines.


Thesis Submission



a) The dissertation will be submitted only when the supervisor(s) concerned is (are) satisfied that it is worthy of consideration in part fulfillment of the M.Phil. degree. The application for submission of the dissertation shall also be countersigned by the Head of the Department.

b) A candidate, who having fulfilled the attendance requirement and being otherwise eligible to appear at the examination, fails or fails to appear, shall be required to appear/reappear for the same on his/her being an ex-student in accordance with the rules prescribed in this regard.

c) Evaluation and Classification of Results: Students admitted to the M.Phil. programme shall be evaluated in Part I (Course Work) and Part II (Dissertation) of the M.Phil examination under the numerical system and successful candidates of the M.Phil. examination will be classified into the following three categories.

  1. Pass at least 50% in each of two courses and no less than 40% in the third and 50% in the Dissertation including viva-voce
  2. First Division 60% marks or more in the aggregate
  3. First Division with Distinction 75% marks or more in the aggregate



The thesis can be submitted once the supervisor certifies it as acceptable. Before submission, research findings must be presented in a departmental seminar. Six weeks in advance of submission, 7 copies of the Abstract and Table of Contents should be forwarded to the Head of the Department for consideration by the DRC. The DRC will then meet and approve the decision to submit and arrive at a panel of at least six potential external examiners which will then be forwarded to the BRS. Three examiners from this panel will be appointed by the University for the evaluation of the thesis.

Fees and Financial Assistance

Fees to be paid are as prescribed by the University. In addition, a Computer Services fee of Rs 4,000/- per annum is charged from both M.Phil. and Ph.D. students. However, to alleviate the financial hardship of the needy students, this fee may be fully or partially waived, as per the assessment of a departmental committee. Needy students should submit an application at the time of depositing of admission fees for full/partial waiver for the computer fee. This application must be accompanied by a statement of circumstances, and a certificate of proof of the annual family income.


Students enrolled in the M.Phil. programme will be entitled to get UGC fellowships @ Rs. 5000/- per month, with a contingency support of Rs. 8000/- per year. The duration of the fellowship will be as per rules and regulations under the Ordinance for the M.Phil. programme of the department. The selection of students for the above-mentioned fellowships will be as per the merit list. 50% of the fellowships will be reserved for the reserved categories. No fellowship will be given for any extended period. No fellowship will be given to students who join the M.Phil. programme on a part-time basis.



Applicants may independently apply for the UGC-JRF Research Scholarships. Candidates admitted to the Ph.D. programme may be awarded UGC (Non-NET) Fellowships of Rs. 8000/- per month with contingency support of Rs. 8000/- per year as per UGC/University rules. Candidates who are NET qualified but do not receive the JRF may also be awarded the UGC (Non-NET) fellowship. Limited financial support may also be available from the Centre for Development Economics. Only applicants admitted through the Entrance Examination will be eligible for such support in the first year of the Ph.D. programme. Some Ph.D. students may also be chosen as Research Assistants by individual faculty members to work on their projects.



The Ratan Tata Library of the Delhi School of Economics is one of the best-equipped libraries in Economics and allied fields. The total collection comprises of approximately 1.95 Lakhs volumes of books and 1.32 Lakhs bound periodicals. Collection of Theses and Dissertations has grown to more than 1600 records. More than 300 current titles of journals are being subscribed in the library. The library also receives annual reports of about 800 joint stock companies. The library has been designated as a repository of United Nations publications. It also has a fairly large and well-organized collection of State and Central Government publications.


Bibliographical records of the complete book collection of about 1.95 Lakhs volumes are accessible through OPAC, including Web-OPAC.

A folder containing list of new books added to the collection every month has been placed in the main Reading Hall on ground floor for the information of esteemed users.

An e-Library has been providing facilities for accessing internet, e-resources & OPAC, including WEB-OPAC using 64 terminals and 2 high end servers.

For the differently-abled, two Computer terminals with proper software packages (Screen reader and NVDA) have been kept in the G/F Main Reading Hall for accessing Internet, OPAC (online catalogue) and Electronic Resources.

The library has inter-library loan arrangement with libraries all over the country through DELNET to meet the research requirement of its research scholars and teachers. It has photocopying facilities available to its students, research scholars and faculty members.

The whole complex of the RTL is air-conditioned and under surveillance by means of CCTV.

The Users can access DULS/RTL website by clicking on Libraries on the webpage of DU accessing http://www.du.ac.in. The subscribed electronic resources can be accessed through URLs provided on the RTL website using DU Campus Network.

The Membership of the library is open to:

  1. Teachers, research scholars, students and non-teaching staff of the Delhi School of Economics;
  2. Teachers and post-graduate students of Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography of the University and its colleges,
  3. There is a provision for consultation membership of the library for others wanting to use it for specific purposes.