Surender Kumar : Research
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Surender Kumar: Research
Journal Article
- Kumar, S., “Do Digital Payments Spur GST Revenue: Indian Experience” Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 27(3): 463-486, 2024
- Kumar, S., “Will the Green Credit Programme Incentivize Positive Environmental Actions?” Ecology, Economy, and Society–the INSEE Journal 7(1): 3-11, 2024
- Kumar, S., “Development Strategy for Future India and Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Way Forward” Contemporary World Economy, 1(4), 2023 (in Russian also).
- Dua, Pritika and Kumar, S., Nature of corporate environmentalism in large-listed Indian firms: empirical evidence from Indian companies” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 13, pp. 602-616, 2023.
- Kumar, S. and Khanna, M., “Distributional heterogeneity in climate change impacts and adaptation: Evidence from Indian agriculture” Agricultural Economics, 54(2) pp. 147-160, 2023.
- Kumar, S., and Dua, Pratika, “Environmental Management Practices and Financial Performance: Evidence from Large Listed Indian Enterprises”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 65(1), pp. 37-61, 2022.
- Kumar, S., and Jain, R. K., “Cost of CO2 Mitigation and its Decomposition: Evidence from Coal Fired Thermal Power Sector in India”, Empirical Economics, vol. 61(2), pp. 693-717, 2021.
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S. ‘Does Stringency of Lockdown Affect Air Quality? Evidence from Indian Cities’, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, vol. 4, pp. 481-502, 2020.
- Maiti, D. and Kumar, S., “Editors’ Introduction to Productivity Growth in India: Issues and measurement” Indian Growth and Development Review, vol. 13, pp. 1-9, 2020.
- Kumar, S., Managi, S. and Jain, R. K., “CO2 Mitigation Policy for Indian Thermal Power Sector: Potential Gains from Emission Trading”, Energy Economics vol. 86, pp. 1-11, 2020.
- Kumar, S. and Khanna, M., “Temperature and Production Efficiency Growth: Empirical Evidence”, Climatic Change vol 156(1), pp. 201-229, 2019.
- Kumar, S. and Prabhakar, P., “Industrial Energy Prices and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from India” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies vol. 22(1), pp. 1-20, 2020.
- Kumar, S. and Jain, R. K., “Carbon-sensitive Meta-Productivity Growth and Technological Gap: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Thermal Power Sector” Energy Economics, vol. 81, pp. 104-116, 2019.
- Jain, R. K. and Kumar, S., “Shadow Price of CO2 Emissions in Indian Thermal Power Sector” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies vol. 20(4), 2018, pp. 879-902.
- Kumar, S and Shetty, S., “Corporate Participation in Voluntary Environmental Programs in India: Determinants and Deterrence” Ecological Economics vol. 147, 2018, pp. 1-10.
- Kumar, S and Shetty, S., “Does Environmental Performance Improve Market Valuation of the firm: Evidence from Indian market” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies vol. 20, no. 2, 2018, pp. 241-260.
- Kumar, S. and Prabhakar, P., “India’s Trade Potential and Free Trade Agreements: A Stochastic Frontier Gravity Approach” vol. 17, no. 1, 2017 Global Economy Journal
- Shetty S and Kumar S, “Opaqueness of Environmental information in India” Economic and Political Weekly vol 51, no. 30, pp15-19, 23 July 2016.
- Kumar, S., Managi, S., ‘Carbon sensitive productivity, climate and institutions‘, Environment and Development Economics vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 109-133, 2016.
- Kumar, S. and Prabhakar, P. ‘Negative Carbon Leakage: Evidence from South Asian Countries’, Working Paper No. 109-16, South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, 2016.
- Kumar, S., Fujii, H, and Managi, S. Substitute or complement? Assessing renewable and non-renewable energy in OECD countries, Applied Economics Vol. 47, no. 14, pp. 1438-1459, 2015
- Kumar, S. and Kumar, S., ‘Does Modernization Improve Performance: Evidence from Indian Police’ European Journal of Law and Economics vol. 39, pp. 57-77, 2015
- Kumar, S. ‘Convergence in electricity consumption in India: a state level analysis’, Indian Economic Review, vol. XLIX(2), pp. 173-192, 2014
- Yalew, A. W., and S. Kumar, ‘Assessing Sustainability of BASIC: A Comprehensive Wealth Perspective’ Journal of Income and Wealth, Vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1-20, 2014.
- Kumar, S., ‘Comprehensive Wealth and Sustainable Development in India’ Journal of Income and Wealth vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 3-15, 2013
- Sridhar, K. S., and Kumar, S., ‘India’s Urban Environment: Air and Water Pollution and Pollution Abatement’ Economic and Political Weekly vol. XLVIII, No. 06, 09 February 2013.
- Kumar, S., and Yalew, A. W., ‘Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Secondary Activities: A Literature Review’ Low Carbon Economy vol. 3, pp. 39-48, 2012.
- Kumar, S. and Managi, S., ‘Productivity and Convergence in India: State Level Analysis’, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 23(5), pp. 548-559, 2012,
- Gupta, S., Kumar, S. and Sarangi, G. K., ‘Measuring the performance of water service providers in urban India: Implications for managing water utilities’ Water Policy Vol. 14, pp. 391-408, 2012
- Kumar, S., Managi, S. and Matsuda, A., ‘Stock Prices of Clean Energy Firms, Oil and Carbon Markets: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis’ Energy Economics, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 215-226, 2012.
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Substitutability and Non-separability among Water Pollutants: Evidence from India’ Environment and Development Economics Vol. 16, no 6, pp. 709-733, 2011
- Khanna, M. and Kumar, S., ‘Corporate Environmental Management and Environmental Efficiency’ Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 227-242, 2011
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Environment and Productivities in Developed and Developing Countries: The Case of Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide’, Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 91, No. 07, pp. 1580-1592, 2010
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Sulfur Dioxide Allowances: Trading and Technological Progress’, Ecological Economics Vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 623-631, 2010.
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Service Quality and Performance Measurement: Evidence from the Indian Water Sector’, International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 26(2), pp. 173-191, 2010.
- Kumar, S., ‘Unaccounted for Water and Performance Measurement: An Empirical Analysis from the Indian Water Sector’ Water Policy vol 12, pp. 706-721, 2010.
- Kumar, S. and Khanna, M., ‘Measurement of Environmental Efficiency and Productivity: A Cross Country Analysis’, Environment and Development Economics vol 14, pp. 473-495, 2009
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Compensation for Environmental Services and Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: the Case of India’, Ecological Economics Vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 3052-3059, 2009.
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., ‘Energy Price-Induced and Exogenous Technological Change: Assessing the Economic and Environmental Outcomes’, Resource and Energy Economics vol. 31(4), pp. 334-353, 2009.
- Kumar, S., ‘The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Empirical Evidence for India’, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 29 no.1 pp. 14-37, 2009.
- Managi, S. and Kumar, S., ‘Trade Induced Technological Change: Analyzing Economic and Environmental Outcomes’ Economic Modelling, Vol. 26. No.3, pp. 721-732, 2009.
- Kumar, S., ‘Energy Prices and Induced Technological Progress’, Economics Bulletin, vol. 15 (17), pp. 1-15, 2008
- Murty, M.N., Kumar, S. and Dhavala, K.K., ‘Measuring Environmental Efficiency of Industry: A Case Study of Thermal Power Generation’, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 38, pp. 31-50, 2007, reprint in ‘Growth, Equity, Environment and Population: Economic and Sociological Perspectives’ eds. K. Chopra and C. H. H. Rao, New Delhi: Sage Publications
- Kumar, S., ‘A Decomposition of Total factor Productivity Growth: A Regional Analysis of Indian Industrial Manufacturing Growth’, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 55(3/4), pp. 311-331, 2006
- Kumar, S., ‘Environmentally Sensitive Productivity Growth: A Global Analysis Using Malmquist-Luenberger Index’, Ecological Economics, vol. 56(2), pp. 280-293, Feb. 15, 2006.
- Kumar, S., ‘Analyzing Industrial Water Demand in India: An Input Distance Function Approach’ Water Policy, vol. 8(1), pp. 15-29, 2006
- Murty, M.N., Kumar, S. and Paul, M., ‘Environmental Regulation, Productive Efficiency and Cost of Pollution Abatement: A Case Study of Sugar Industry in India’ Journal of Environmental Management vol. 79(1), pp. 1-9, April 2006
- Kumar, S. and Rao, D.N., ‘Environmental Regulation and Production Efficiency: A Case Study of Thermal Power Sector in India’ Journal of Energy and Development, vol. 29(1), pp. 81-94, 2003.
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., ‘Win-Win Opportunities and Environmental Regulation: Testing the Porter Hypothesis for Indian Manufacturing Industries’, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 67(2), pp. 139-144, 2003
- Kumar, S. and Rao, D.N., ‘Estimating Marginal Abatement Costs of SPM: An Application to Thermal Power Sector in India’, Energy Studies Review, vol. 11(1), pp. 76-92, 2002
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., ‘Measuring Cost of Sustainable Industrial Development in India: A Distance Function Approach’ Environment and Development Economics, vol. 7, pp. 467-486, 2002
- Kumar, S. and Rao, D.N., ‘Measuring Benefits of Pollution Abatement Using Health Production Function: A Case Study of Panipat Thermal Power Station’, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 20, pp. 91-102, 2001.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Kumar, S. and Paramjit, ‘Impact of Financial Inclusion on Tax Revenue’, in Financial Inclusion: Perspectives and Recent Initiatives, a study by Delhi School of Economics, Edited by Pami Dua, National Book Trust, India, 2023
- Kumar, S., ‘Modelling Production of Bad Outputs: Theory and Empirics’ in ‘Sustainable Development Insights from India’ edited by P. Dasgupta, A. Roy Saha and R. Singhal, Springer Nature, Singapore 2021
- Kumar, S.‘Air Pollution and Traffic Congestion in Urban India’ in ‘Cities of Dragons and Elephants: Urbanization and Urban Development in the People’s Republic of China and India’, edited by G.Wan and M.Lu, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
- Kumar, S.,‘Urbanization and Water Supply and Sanitation in India’ in ‘Cities of Dragons and Elephants: Urbanization and Urban Development in the People’s Republic of China and India’, edited by G.Wan and M.Lu, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2019)
- Shetty, S. and S. Kumar, ‘Information Disclosure: A Policy Tool for Managing Environmental and Energy Challenges’ in Energy Law and Sustainable Development, edited by. U. Tandon, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2018
- Kumar S. and P. Kumar, ‘Economic Impact of Air Pollution from Agricultural Residue Burning on Human Health’, in Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building, edited by S. Nautiyal et al. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016
- Kumar, S., ‘Technological Change and the Enviroment’ in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, edited by S. Managi, Routledge, New York (USA), 2015
- Kumar, S., and S. Managi, ‘Productivity, Institutions and Climate Change: Lessons for Asian Countries’ in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, edited by S. Managi, Routledge, New York (USA), 2015
- Jain, S., S. Kumar and Paramjit, ‘Valuation of Environmental Benefits in Asian Countries’ in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, edited by S. Managi, Routledge, New York (USA), 2015
- Arent, D.J., R.S.J. Tol, E. Faust, J.P. Hella, S. Kumar, K.M. Strzepek, F.L. Tóth, and D. Yan, 2014: Key economic sectors and services. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 659-708.
- Kumar, S., ‘Is India on a Sustainable Development Path?’ in Selected Readings on Sustainable Development, edited by Rakesh Kumar Mudgal and Vaishali Dhingra, ISBN: 978-93-5062-501-9, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2014
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S.,’ The Potential for LCE in India’ in ‘Climate Smart Development in Asia: Transition to Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economies, edited by A. Srinivasan, F. Ling and H. Mori, ISBN-13: 978-1844078622 Routledge, 2012
- Murty, MN and Kumar, S., ‘Water Pollution in India: An Economic Appraisal’ in India Infrastructure Report 2011: Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development, ISBN 0-19-807885-4 IDFC and Oxford University Press, 2011.
- Aggarwal, SC and Kumar, S., ‘Industrial Water Demand in India: Challenges and Implications for Water Pricing’ in India Infrastructure Report 2011: Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development, ISBN 0-19-807885-4 IDFC and Oxford University Press, 2011.
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., ‘Measuring Productivity of Natural Capital’ in ‘India: Industrialisation in a Reforming Economy’, Essays for K. L. Krishna, edited by S. D. Tendulkar, A. Mitra, K, Narayanan and D. K. Das, ISBN 81-7188-488-1 Academic Foundation, New Delhi 2006.
- Murty, M.N., and Kumar, S., Three Pillars: Government, Market and Communities for Environmental Management, Academic Foundation (2023)
- Murty, M.N., and Kumar, S., Environmental Valuation and Accounting: the Indian Perspective, Academic Foundation (2023)
- Kumar, P., Kumar, S., and Joshi, L., Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning, Springer, New Delhi (2015)
- Kumar, S., Economics of Air Pollution: A Case of Thermal Power Generation in India, VDM Publishing House, Germany (2011)Kumar, S., Energy Prices and Induced Innovation: A Directional Distance Function Approach, VDM Publishing House, Germany (2010)
- Kumar, S., and Managi, S., The Economics of Sustainable Development: the Case of India, Springer, New York (2009)
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., Environmental and Economic Accounting for Industry, Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2004)
Book Review
- Kumar, S., Towards Sustainable Agriculture (Organic Farming: Economics, Policy and Practices by Hari Ram Prajapati, Sage Publications, 2020), The Book Review, vol. 45, no. 10, October 2021
- Kumar, S., New Directions in Productivity Measurement and Efficiency Analysis: Counting the Environment and Natural Resources, Edited by Tihomir Ancev, MA Samad Azad and Francesc Hernandez-Sancho, Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2017), Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 56, no. 1, 2018
- Kumar, S., The New Public Finance: responding to global challenges, Eds. Inge Kaul and Pedro Conceicao, Oxford University Press 2006), International Journal of Regulation and Governance 7(1): 93-98, 2007.
- Kumar, S., Environmental Economics: Theory and Applications by Katar Singh and Anil Shishodia, New Delhi: Sage Publications 2007), Consultancy Ahead, Jan. 2008.
Papers in Non-Refereed Journals/Study Material
Kumar, S., “Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and economic transition in India” Academia Vol 1(2) June-Dec. 2016 and Vol 2(1) Jan-June 2017: 3-6 (also guest-edited this issue of the journal with Sushma Yadav)Kumar, S. and Sridhar, K. S., “India’s urban environmental challenges: Land Use, Solid Waste and Sanitation“ The Yojana 2013: 30-35.
- Kumar, S. and Paramjit, ‘Valuation of Health Impacts of Air Pollution in India’, Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, vol. 5, pp. 1-7, 2012
- Kumar, S., ‘Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development in India’, Commodity Vision, 5(2): 20-27, 2011
- Kumar, S., ‘Rising Oil Prices: An Inducement to Technological Progress’, Commodity Vision 2(1): 48-56, 2008.
- Kumar, S. and Ghosh, N., ‘Multivariate Analysis’, Block 5, MECE-001 Econometric Methods, (study material prepared for MA Economics), ISBN-81-266-2743-3 Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, December 2006.
Articles in Newspapers
- Kumar, S., “Oil Price Volatility and Need for Risk Management“The Economic Times, 26 March 2014: 5-5.
- Kumar, S., “Commodity transaction tax not a prudent idea“ Financial Express 2013: 13-13
- Kumar, S., “CTT will hurt the commodity market” Business Bhaskar 2013: 4-4.
Working/Discussion Papers
- Kumar, S. and Paramjit, ‘Does Financial Inclusion Enhance Tax Revenue: Indian Experience’ Working Paper No. 335, Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, May 2023
- Gupta, S., Kumar, S. and Sarangi, G. K., ‘DOES GREATER AUTONOMY IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? EVIDENCE FROM WATER SERVICE PROVIDERS IN INDIAN CITIES’ Working Paper No. 205, Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, October 2011
- Kumar, S. and Chandra, N., ‘Sustainability Concerns in Indian Agriculture: An Analysis of Subsidies and Investment’,
- Kumar, S., ‘Analyzing Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Poverty: South Asian Perspectives’, Discussion Paper, Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Study in South Asia (ESPASSA): A Situation Analysis for India and the Hindu-kush Himalayan Region, Annex 3, TERI, New Delhi 2008.
- Kumar, S. and Sahu, S., ‘Anthropogenic Drivers of Ecosystem Change in South Asia – An Overview’, Discussion Paper, Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Study in South Asia (ESPASSA): A Situation Analysis for India and the Hindu-kush Himalayan Region, Annex 3, TERI, New Delhi 2008.
- Kumar, S. and Rao, D.N., ‘Willingness to Pay Estimates of Improved Air Quality: A Case Study of Panipat Thermal Power Station Colony, India’,
- Kumar, S. and Gupta, S., ‘Resource Use Efficiency of US Electricity Generating Plants During the SO2 Trading Regime: A Distance Function Approach‘, Working Paper No. 17, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 2004.
- Kumar, S., ‘Productivity and Profitability Changes in US Electric Utility Plants under the SO2 Allowance System’, Working Paper, No.3, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 2003.
- Kumar, S. and Khanna, M., ‘Productivity Growth and CO2 Abatements: A Cross Country Analysis Using the Distance Function Approach, Program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Working Paper No. 29, 2002.
- Khanna, M., Kumar, S. and Anton, W., ‘Environmental Self-Regulation: Implications for Environmental Efficiency and Profitability, Program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Working Paper No. 26, 2002)
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., ‘Environmental and Economic Accounting for Indian Industry, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, Working Paper No. E212/2001.
- Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., Methodology for Estimating the Cost of Pollution Abatement: A Review of Literature, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, Working Paper No. E217/2001