Surender Kumar: Research

Journal Article

Chapters in Edited Books


Book Review

Papers in Non-Refereed Journals/Study Material

Articles in Newspapers

Working/Discussion Papers

  1. Gupta, S., Kumar, S. and Sarangi, G. K., DOES GREATER AUTONOMY IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? EVIDENCE FROM WATER SERVICE PROVIDERS IN INDIAN CITIES Working Paper No. 205, Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, October 2011

  2. Kumar, S. and Chandra, N.,Sustainability Concerns in Indian Agriculture: An Analysis of Subsidies and Investment’,

  3. Kumar, S., Analyzing Linkages between Ecosystem Services and Poverty: South Asian Perspectives’, Discussion Paper, Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Study in South Asia (ESPASSA): A Situation Analysis for India and the Hindu-kush Himalayan Region, Annex 3, TERI, New Delhi 2008.

  4. Kumar, S. and Sahu, S.,Anthropogenic Drivers of Ecosystem Change in South Asia – An Overview’, Discussion Paper, Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Study in South Asia (ESPASSA): A Situation Analysis for India and the Hindu-kush Himalayan Region, Annex 3, TERI, New Delhi 2008.

  5. Kumar, S. and Rao, D.N., Willingness to Pay Estimates of Improved Air Quality: A Case Study of Panipat Thermal Power Station Colony, India’,

  6. Kumar, S. and Gupta, S., Resource Use Efficiency of US Electricity Generating Plants During the SO2 Trading Regime: A Distance Function Approach‘, Working Paper No. 17, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 2004.
  7. Kumar, S.,Productivity and Profitability Changes in US Electric Utility Plants under the SO2 Allowance System’, Working Paper, No.3, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, 2003.

  8. Kumar, S. and Khanna, M.,Productivity Growth and CO2 Abatements: A Cross Country Analysis Using the Distance Function Approach, Program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Working Paper No. 29, 2002.

  9. Khanna, M., Kumar, S. and Anton, W., Environmental Self-Regulation: Implications for Environmental Efficiency and Profitability, Program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Working Paper No. 26, 2002)

  10. Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S.,Environmental and Economic Accounting for Indian Industry, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, Working Paper No. E212/2001.

  11. Murty, M.N. and Kumar, S., Methodology for Estimating the Cost of Pollution Abatement: A Review of Literature, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, Working Paper No. E217/2001